Nex Artist Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy was updated on 2nd December 2023


The Site is operated by Nex Artist Limited trading as Nex Artist (“Nex”) (we, us and our). We are a limited company registered in the United Kingdom. Our registered company number is 13093536, and our registered office is at Marsland Chambers, 1a Marsland Road, Sale, England, M33 3HP.

Nex Artist is a web application and a mobile application platform. The web application enables music artists to upload their tracks (Artists), and the mobile application enables users to listen to tracks via their devices by streaming (Listeners). Both Artists and Listeners register an account. Registered accounts can be used for accessing both the web application (as an Artist) and on the mobile app (as a Listener). In addition to creating an account with an email address and password, Google accounts can instead be used to authenticate on the platform. Signing up with a Google account negates the requirement to verify the user's email address.

Artists on the web application and Listeners on the mobile application use the platform with a limited qualified licence set out in the terms and conditions (together referred to as “users/you”).

Part of these terms and conditions is specific to Artists on the web application at and part is specific to Listeners on the mobile application.

This privacy policy (together with our terms and conditions and any other policies referred to within explains what information we gather about you, what and how we use that information, the lawful basis on which that information is used and to who we give that information to. It also sets out your rights and our obligations in relation to your information and who you can contact for more information or queries.

Please print a copy of this privacy policy for future reference.

We are the controller of personal data obtained via our site, meaning we are the organisation legally responsible for deciding how and for what purposes it is used.

We take your privacy very seriously. Please read this privacy policy carefully, as it contains important information on who we are and how and why we collect, store, use and share any information relating to you (your personal data) in connection with your use of our website. It also explains your rights in relation to your personal data and how to contact us or the relevant regulator in the event you have a complaint.

We collect, use and are responsible for certain personal data about you. When we do so, we are subject to the UK General Data Protection Regulations (UK GDPR).


We understand the importance of protecting children's privacy. Our Site is not designed for, or intentionally targeted at, children. It is not our policy to intentionally collect or store information about children.

Given the nature of our website, we do not expect to collect the personal data of anyone under 18 years old. If you are aware that any personal data of anyone under 18 years old has been shared with our Site, please let us know so that we can delete that data.

This privacy policy is divided into the following sections:

What this policy applies to

This privacy policy relates to your use of our site only.

Throughout our site, we may link to other websites owned and operated by certain trusted third parties. Those third-party websites may also gather information about you in accordance with their own separate privacy policies. For privacy information relating to those third-party websites, please consult their privacy policies as appropriate.

Personal data we collect about you

The personal data we collect about you depends on the particular activities carried out through our website. We may collect and use the following personal data about you:

You may be requested provide this personal data including your name; age; date of birth; gender; e-mail address; home address; and country of residence unless we tell you that it is optional.

Sometimes you can choose if you want to give us your personal data and let us use it. Where that is the case we will tell you and give you the choice before you give the personal data to us. We will also tell you whether declining to share that personal data will have any effect on your use of our website or any services on it.

We collect and use this personal data for the purposes described in the section ‘How and why we use your personal data below.

How your personal data is collected

We collect personal data from you:

Directly when you enter or send us information, such as when you provide information to us by filling in forms on our site. This may include information provided at the time of registering, subscribing to any of our services, posting material, sending messages and posting using our messaging tool, giving reviews, making or receiving payments through your User Account or requesting further services.

How and why we use your personal data

Under Data Protection Laws, we can only use your personal data if we have a proper reason, e.g.:

The Purposes for which we process your personal data:

We will only process your personal information for the above purposes, with the exception of consent, because:

Who we share your personal data with

We routinely share personal data with:

How long your personal data will be kept

We will hold your personal data on our systems for the longest of the following periods: (i) as long as is necessary for the relevant activity (which is typically 7 years); (ii) any retention period that is required by law or regulation; or (iii) the end of the period in which litigation or investigations might arise in respect of our activities.

Your rights

You generally have the following rights, which you can usually exercise free of charge:

Access to a copy of your personal dataThe right to be provided with a copy of your personal data
Correction (also known as rectification)The right to require us to correct any mistakes in your personal data
Erasure (also known as the right to be forgotten)The right to require us to delete your personal data—in certain situations
Restriction of useThe right to require us to restrict use of your personal data in certain circumstances, eg if you contest the accuracy of the data
Data portabilityThe right to receive the personal data you provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and/or transmit that data to a third party—in certain situations
To object to useThe right to object:
—at any time to your personal data being used for direct marketing (including profiling)
—in certain other situations to our continued use of your personal data, eg where we use your personal data for our legitimate interests unless there are compelling legitimate grounds for the processing to continue or the processing is required for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims
Not to be subject to decisions without human involvementThe right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing (including profiling) that produces legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affects you We do not make any such decisions based on data collected by our website
The right to withdraw consentsIf you have provided us with a consent to use your personal data you have a right to withdraw that consent easily at any time
Withdrawing a consent will not affect the lawfulness of our use of your personal data in reliance on that consent before it was withdrawn

For further information on each of those rights, including the circumstances in which they do and do not apply, please contact us (see ‘How to contact us’ below). You may also find it helpful to refer to the guidance from the UK’s Information Commissioner on your rights under UK GDPR.

If you would like to exercise any of those rights, please write to us at [email protected] providing enough information to identify yourself (eg your full name, address and customer or matter reference number) and any additional identity information we may reasonably request from you and let us know which right(s) you want to exercise and the information to which your request relates.

Keeping your personal data secure

We have appropriate security measures to prevent personal data from being accidentally lost, or used or accessed unlawfully. We limit access to your personal data to those who have a genuine need to access it. We also have procedures to deal with suspected data security breaches. We will notify you and any applicable regulator of a suspected data security breach where we are legally required to do so.

Requesting your account and associated data to be removed

We offer users the ability to request their account and data to be removed. To submit the request, users will need to:

We will manually delete your account and associated data from our records within 5-7 working days.

How to complain

Please contact us if you have any queries or concerns about our use of your personal data (see below ‘How to contact us’). We hope we will be able to resolve any issues you may have. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner in the UK. The UK’s Information Commissioner may be contacted using the details at or by telephone: 0303 123 1113.

Changes to this privacy policy

We may change this privacy policy from time to time. When we make significant changes we will take steps to inform you, for example via email.

How to contact us

You can contact us by email if you have any questions about this privacy policy or the information we hold about you, to exercise a right under Data Protection Law or to make a complaint.

Our contact details are shown below:

Our contact detailsOur Data Protection Officer's contact details
[email protected][email protected]